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13 January 2023

 Family Herbal Medicinal Plants Effective Eliminate Disease

Health is a very expensive thing and you can't buy it with money. Everyone certainly wants to be able to continue to be healthy and avoid unpleasant diseases. To keep your body healthy, you have to do many positive things, such as exercising and eating healthy food regularly.

By routinely adjusting your diet, you can reduce your chances of getting sick.

However, this body will not always be healthy. There may be a few moments when you will experience pain and prevent you from doing your normal activities. Of course, you will immediately take medicine to get rid of the disease in your body.

However, taking medication too often can certainly cause side effects that are not good. One of the best ways to prevent and relieve pain is to consume several types of herbal medicinal plants.


Family Medicinal Plants Are the Most Popular Herbal Medicines

Herbal plants are plants that have a very unique taste and fragrance. Before the benefits of herbal plants were widely known, people usually used herbal plants as ingredients to add aroma and taste to food or drinks.

However, many experts from China managed to find other benefits of herbal plants that make them very important for the development of current health technology.

In botanical terms, herbal plants are plants that are small and grow large without any woody stems on these plants. Almost all parts of herbal plants can be used to make various health products that can be beneficial to the body.

In Indonesia, herbal plants that have many benefits are often referred to as Toga plants or family medicinal plants. Family medicinal plants are home-cultivated plants that have medicinal properties and help to replace the role of conventional medicine.

Herbal medicinal plants are in great demand because the price of factory-made medicines is quite high and their properties are very powerful so that they can be used as a good and cheap alternative form. In addition, traditional medicinal plants have almost no side effects and are very different from factory medicines which can be dangerous if consumed too often.

In addition, herbal medicinal plants are in great demand because the cultivation process is very easy and you can grow them using only potting media without having to take up a large room in your own home.


How to Turn Empty Land Into a Mini Ornamental Garden

Having an empty land in your house is an opportunity that you shouldn't waste. You can use the vacant land for various forms of activity or your hobby. It's the same if you have an empty land in your apartment because you can change it to become a beautiful mini ornamental garden.


Medicinal Plants of the Herbal Spice Family and their Benefits

Spice plants have a very unique and refreshing aroma, so they are often used as a cooking spice that can make food taste more delicious. Besides being able to be used as a cooking ingredient, it turns out that spice plants have very good properties for health. Below are 5 medicinal plants of the herbal spice family and their benefits:

1. Black cumin

The black cumin plant or often known as Black Seed has good benefits for the body. Black cumin plants are very helpful in the process of treating diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol to reduce the possibility of developing cancer.

2. Cardamom

Cardamom seeds or known in the culinary world as green cardamon is a spice that has many benefits for the health of the body. Cardamom, especially green cardamom is very good for the digestive tract. In cardamom there is a very high fiber content so that it can help to expedite the process of your bowel movements.

3. Ginger

Ginger plant has been known for a long time and is used as medicine because ginger plant is one of the best natural antioxidants for the body. Ginger plant is very good for overcoming digestive problems and diseases. In addition, if you regularly consume ginger, it can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

4. Turmeric

One of the most commonly used spices for cooking has extraordinary benefits for the body. Turmeric has a content that can thin the blood and destroy cholesterol in your body.

5. Kencur

Kencur is very popular because of its distinctive smell and can be processed into a very refreshing kencur rice drink. Kencur can be used as a powerful herbal medicine because it can relieve colds and coughs as well as freshen your respiratory tract.

Consume herbal plants such as turmeric and ginger regularly to make your body fresher and healthier.


Medicinal Plants of the Fruit and Leaf Herbal Family and Their Benefits

Not inferior to spices, it turns out that there are several medicinal plants of the herbal family from the category of fruits and leaves that have very good benefits for your body. You can consume fruits directly without having to be processed first such as spices and herbal leaves. Below are some choices of fruit and leaf herbal plants that are good for the body:

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a refreshing taste and is often mixed into drinks to add to the unique taste of the drink. The aloe vera plant has good benefits for the skin and is able to prevent premature aging. In addition, the aloe vera plant can be the right medicine for diabetics.

2. Celery leaves

If you have high blood pressure problems, you can consume celery leaves by mixing them in your food. The celery leaf plant is proven to be effective in lowering blood pressure and tension for people who suffer from hypertension.

3. Moringa Leaves

Moringa leaves are one of the herbal plants that are widely used as a form of cancer treatment and prevent you from getting sick easily. Although Moringa leaves are quite difficult to find, their benefits cannot be compared to other herbal plants.

4. Avocado

Avocado fruit has a fresh and sweet taste. Apart from its delicious taste, it turns out that avocado fruit also has many benefits for the body. Some of the benefits of consuming avocados regularly are being able to prevent heart disease and can reduce the risk of developing diabetes.


Medicinal Plants of the Flowering Herbal Family and Their Benefits

If you have problems with weight then you can regularly consume star fruit. Not only that, star fruit can also control blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes from coming early.

Who would have ever thought that in fact there are several types of flower plants that have benefits for the body. Below are some medicinal plants of the herbal family of flowers and their benefits for the body:

1. Tapak Dara Flower

Although rarely heard, periwinkle flowers have good benefits for our bodies. This flower is useful as a stress reliever and can help your body relax. In addition, when mixed and brewed with tea and honey, it can overcome prolonged high fever.

2. Gutter Flowers

Gutter flower is a flower that has a purplish blue color and can be used as an extract and has benefits for the body. Some of the benefits of gutter flowers are that they can trigger and improve your memory so that they are very suitable for consumption by someone who often forgets. Apart from that, gutta flower extract can relieve one's depression because it has ingredients that can calm feelings.

3. Jasmine Flowers

Apart from having an attractive shape and a refreshing fragrance, it turns out that extracts from jasmine flowers are also effective for treating several diseases. Jasmine flower extract can be used to treat high fever and prolonged headaches. In addition, when consumed regularly, it can overcome toothache and infection in the oral cavity.

4. Lawang Flowers

Anise flower or also known as pekak murupak is one of the flowers that is commonly used in cooking spices. Anise flower has the benefit of relieving colds as well as overcoming prolonged insomnia.

5. Rosella Flowers

Rosella flowers are generally mixed into hot tea and honey. Reporting from Detik Health, the extracts from rosella flowers are very useful for reducing levels of fat and cholesterol in the body and making them very good for consumption by someone who wants to go on a diet.


The Benefits of Having Herbal Medicinal Plants

Having herbal medicinal plants in your home is a very good thing. You can easily utilize the various types of plants that you have so that you can directly process them yourself into medicines. In addition, you can take advantage of unused land in your home by planting medicinal plants and make the atmosphere of your home look more beautiful and refreshing.

Those are some types of family herbal medicinal plants that can be effective for getting rid of diseases. By regularly consuming herbs, your body will be much healthier and fresher. In addition, you will not be easily attacked by dangerous diseases.


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