The rapid development of technology, is it a threat or an opportunity ? -->

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The rapid development of technology, is it a threat or an opportunity ?

25 March 2023

 The rapid development of technology, is it a threat or an opportunity ?



Technology, a word that plays an important role in our survival, some people in the world, even in Indonesia, really enjoy technology. Today, in an era of increasingly rapid technological developments, we can easily access all things on the Internet. Talking about technology cannot be separated from the internet and devices that are the result of technology.


Technological developments are increasing rapidly, is it a threat or an opportunity?


We must understand that behind the comfort we get from the space provided by technology, we must be vigilant because technology itself can be a threat, if technology is not managed properly it can overwhelm us. In fact, if we manage it well and can distinguish between good and bad, technology can actually be an opportunity for us. The potential of this technology is that if we can use it, we can improve our standard of living.




In fact, because of the ease of use of the internet, it is often misused by irresponsible people for personal gain and maximum profit. One of them is the DMV Website Scampage case, a parody website case of two Indonesian citizens who falsified the US government's official website to collect personal information from citizens there. This information was allegedly used to obtain relief funds for Covid-19 and sold for profit. Two Airlangga University (Unair) Masters of Police Science students were recently examined for placement at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. They are Eko Mangku Cipto and Harianto Rantesalu.


During their stop at the FBI headquarters, Eko and Harianto explained about the investigation and investigative techniques used by the two suspects for counterfeiting the website. This case involved two agencies, namely the FBI and the East Java Regional Police through the Cyber ​​Team of the Special Criminal Investigation Division (Ditreskrimsus).


Eko and Harianto received information about the suspect. This data is obtained from WhatsApp and Telegram conversations, which total around 30,000 dates. This personal information will be used to pay for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) or US Unemployment funds at a rate of $2,000 per item and resold for $100 per personal piece of information.


The rapid development of technology, is it a threat or an opportunity?


Technology, a word that plays an important role in our survival, some people in the world, even in Indonesia, really enjoy technology. Today, in an era of increasingly rapid technological developments, we can easily access all things on the Internet. Talking about technology cannot be separated from the internet and devices that are the result of technology.


Technological developments are increasing rapidly, is it a threat or an opportunity?


We must understand that behind the comfort we get from the space provided by technology, we must be vigilant because technology itself can be a threat, if technology is not managed properly it can overwhelm us. In fact, if we manage it well and can distinguish between good and bad, technology can actually be an opportunity for us. The potential of this technology is that if we can use it, we can improve our standard of living.


In fact, because of the ease of use of the internet, it is often misused by irresponsible people for personal gain and maximum profit. One of them is the DMV Website Scampage case, a parody website case of two Indonesian citizens who falsified the US government's official website to collect personal information from citizens there. This information was allegedly used to obtain relief funds for Covid-19 and sold for profit. Two Airlangga University (Unair) Masters of Police Science students were recently examined for placement at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. They are Eko Mangku Cipto and Harianto Rantesalu.



During their stop at the FBI headquarters, Eko and Harianto explained about the investigation and investigative techniques used by the two suspects for counterfeiting the website. This case involved two agencies, namely the FBI and the East Java Regional Police through the Cyber ​​Team of the Special Criminal Investigation Division (Ditreskrimsus).


Eko and Harianto received information about the suspect. This data is obtained from WhatsApp and Telegram conversations, which total around 30,000 dates. This personal information will be used to pay for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) or US Unemployment funds at a rate of $2,000 per item and resold for $100 per personal piece of information.

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